Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bad Dream.

I dreamt I lost him and woke up crying, convinced it was true. I've never cried because of a dream before, but the fact that it can actually happen terrifies me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Overview

I had an amazing year--learned so much about myself, loved so much of myself, strengthened relationships, and met people who have changed my life. There is no doubt that 2013 will be an even bigger year. With graduation around the corner and opportunities that come after that, it will be another year to remember. I'm hopeful, fearful, and grateful for my past, present, and future. May we all have positive memories and journeys to come.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Knitting frenzy.

I love knitting. I love making something from scratch, editing something to my liking, making something for someone. I love it all. It is so relaxing, and in the end, you create something. Something you can wear or use, something that you've wanted or have been eyeing. I found this slouchy cable hat pattern yesterday. It is absolutely adorable and free. Here's a link. It's called Bulky Hat. I had to alter it because I'm using different yarn, but it's coming out to be a gem. It's a little big for my head, but I suppose it'll fit someone else's. I can't wait until it's complete!

Monday, December 3, 2012


I'm finally feeling the work load, but I don't mind it because I'm loving the work I have to do! What more can I ask for to end the second to last semester of my undergrad? Plus, I have my climbing class tomorrow! Life is good.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I have never had so many men interested in me at the same time. About a year ago, something changed. I don't know if it was something I did, or the world shifting a couple degrees but men started noticing me. 

It started two summers ago while I was working at CVS. Yes, that's right. CVS. I was given a number from a customer I spoke to twice, while also getting somewhat hit on by my boss after leaving the job for school. When the semester started, I met someone who had apparently noticed me a year ago, and the semester after that, noticed from a very handsome and successful man. This past summer and this current semester have been really similar. People have been telling me they have crushes on me, like me, or compliment me a lavishing bunch. 

I am not saying any of these things to boast about my supposed beauty or brag, but quite the opposite. I find these compliments to be terrifying. I almost feel as if this supposed beauty I've acquired almost two years ago has a time limit and is going to run out soon. I almost have a sense of urgency to find the man of my dreams and snag him before my hideous qualities return!

This is a very obscure and silly idea, isn't it? I certainly hope so...